Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Blinkers, Part 1

I live in Greenville, SC. I drive in Greenville, SC. I have been studying something for the past few days and now I will share it with all of you faithful orange monkey babies out there. What I have been studying is that fact that cars in Greenville have blinkers on them, but for some reason they just don't seem to mean anything. There are several scenarios that I have witnessed recently.
Scenario 1:
Car you are following approaches his turn with blinker on correctly five hundred feet from the turn.
Everything goes well, you have appropriate time to brake and you don't in any way get mad.
Scenario 2:
Car you are following turns on blinker. You slow down as needed and then realize that the person is not slowing down. You wonder to yourself, "Huh, I think he is toying with me." The blinker remains on for several thousand feet and then turns off. You decide that you are tired of this ridiculousness and you roar past the car angrily.
Scenario 3:
Car you are following is a safe multiple car length from you. You are driving along jamming to what you jam to when all of a sudden the car in front of you decides to slam on his brakes and then whip into the turn, in turn making you slam on your brakes. He finally makes the turn becuase by this time he has slowed down to about five or six miles per hour. You do your best to give the person that just made this outrageously crappy turn, the dirtiest look you can muster. They end up not seeing you because they could care less about you. You get even more mad and drive really fast because that really helps a lot.

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